Bosch’s triptych “The Temptations of Saint Anthony” is a masterpiece of Western art and a highlight of the collection at Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga. Rodrigo García translates the triptych into the visual and aural codes of a near-mythical cultural artefact of the twentieth century: the pinball machine. As always, García manages to combine admiration and irreverence to create a unique experience of the painting, allowing visitors to enter the demonic and hallucinatory world that surrounded Bosch at the time of the painting. Will you be able to resist an extra ball from the devil?


Sound Daniel Romero, Rodrigo García
Graphics Arturo Iturbe
Technical Director Bernard Lhomme
Executive producter Benoît Hennaut
Production BoCA
Co-production Humain trop Humain/CDN de Montpellier, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
Support Institut Français / France Embassy




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