National Premiere – Dance

Noé Soulier is a choreographer, dancer and philosopher. Looking for ways to make mundane activities unfamiliar and revealing all their richness is only one of the lines of his choreographic research. It is Noé Soulier who claims that all actions or movements of everyday life are always fragmentary, like the dance he creates: “there are zones of intensity, others on the verge of consciousness and others completely unconscious”. This is also what is explored in “Passages”.

“Passages” is a nomadic project that explores the relation between the movement of bodies and the spaces in which these inscribe their actions. In acting with imaginary objects, performers trigger resonances in multiple scales and dimensions, activating the physical memories of the audience, starting with the relationship to the spaces they inhabit.

Adapting to a variety of architectural contexts, whether it is the cloister of the Museu Municipal de Faro and its corridors and garden or the court filled with statues at the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga de Lisboa, the choreography of “Passages” is composed by a bodily vocabulary that Noé Soulier has been developing over ten years. Using the “immediate motricity” of actions like grabbing, throwing, catching or rubbing, Noé Soulier explores the motor properties that the human shares with the animal.

Choreography: Noé Soulier
With: Lucas Bassereau, Meleat Fredriksson, Yumiko Funaya, Nangaline Gomis, Nans Pierson
Production: Cndc – Angers
Co-production: Monuments en mouvements – Centre des monuments nationaux, Les Ateliers de Paris
With the support of: Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Production support at BoCA: Institut Français (Paris)

Since July 2020, Noé Soulier has taken on the role of director of Cndc – Angers, which is funded by the French Ministry of Culture – DRAC do Pays de la Loire, from the city of Angers, region of Pays de la Loire, department of Maine et Loire.

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