“Julius Cesar. Spared Parts” features two mysterious characters: “…Vski,” a sort of Stanislavski who films the vibrations of his vocal chords with an endoscope, and Marc Antony, played by an actor without vocal chords, who addresses the audience directly from his oesophagus.

Combining sculpture, technology, and the animal world, Castellucci once again challenges the conventions and limits of disciplines. Touching on the themes of democracy, rhetoric, and ritual, this is a visceral encounter with a theatre that is as disturbing as it is transcendent.



Dramatic intervention on W. Shakespeare
Conceiving and staging Romeo Castellucci
With Gianni Plazzi, Sergio Scarlatella, Maurizio Cerasoli
Assistant Director Silvano Voltolina
Sound technician Nicola Ratti
Production manager Benedetta Briglia
Promotion and communication Valentina Bertolino, Gilda Biasini, Giulia Colla
Administration Michela Medri, Elisa Bruno, Simona Barducci
Economic consultation Massimiliano Coli
Production Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
in the frame of ‘and the fox said to the crow. General linguistics course’
Special Project City of Bologna 2014
Support Instituto Italiano de Cultura, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, BoCA




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