“I Am The Mouth”


Dreamlike films that explore time and memory. This is the world of Agnieszka Polska – born in Poland in 1985, when it was still a communist state – who is interested in forgotten stories and cultural myths, especially those of missing artists.

Agnieszka Polska’s recent digital artworks touch on themes around the climate crisis, natural and humanitarian catastrophes. The Polish artist is the creator of hallucinogenic, hypnotic films, artistic works created and manipulated digitally, and that enable immersive experiences that make us think about language, history, science; activating a critical consciousness of our individual social responsibility in a world of post-truth.

In “I Am the Mouth”, a pair of lips partially submerged in turbulent waters floats while repeating soothing words, artistically reframing the viral Internet phenomenon of ASMR videos (Auto Sensory Meridian Response) – where sounds generated by trivial materials scratching against the microphone or whispering voices are amplified to stimulate pleasant tingling sensations on the nape.

“I Am the Mouth” is inspired by the iconic theatrical production by Samuel Beckett, “Not I”. Starting with the scientific description of sound waves as they propagate through different materials, the mouth “speaks” for the artwork.


I Am the Mouth II, 2014
Video HD, 5’45”
Courtesy of the artista and Zak | Branicka, Berlin

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