Save the date: BoCA 2021 with the title “Prove You’re Human”, in Lisboa, Almada and Faro

Questioning conventions and the limit of our humanity, the 3rd edition of BoCA biennial is entitled Prove You’re Human. How can we (re)think about our presence in the world or how to challenge new humanities?
From September 3rd to October 17th 2021, BoCA takes place in the cities of Lisbon, Almada and Faro, reinforcing the commitment to artistic transdisciplinarity and the promotion of synergies between cities, cultural institutions, artistic and audience.
Commissioned and produced by BoCA, a show inspired by Andy Warhol marks the debut of the acclaimed American filmmaker Gus Van Sant in writing and stage creation. With performances at the National Theater D. Maria II (Lisbon) and at Teatro das Figuras (Faro), BoCA then ensures a tour with several international partners.
To see during the 7 weeks of the biennial and with an associated public program, the artist Grada Kilomba installs her first large-scale creation in front of the Tagus River, at MAAT. The Boat [O Barco] rewrites the past and is inscribed as a space for contemplation, memory and ceremony, in honor of the victims of slavery.
Andreia Santana debuts a project at CCB that marks her first performative approach. Overlapses, Riddles & Spells is a performative installation composed of glass and iron pieces, activated through the words, the body and the sound of António Poppe, Vânia Doutel Vaz and João Polido Valente, respectively.
In this 3rd edition, BoCA also celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Beuys (1921-1986), as the drive for a new project developed over several years, that combines creation and sustainability.
Willing to accept our test of humanity?
Theaters, museums, cultural centers, ruins, green and coastal spaces in the cities of Lisbon, Almada and Faro will be the stage for the various projects of the biennial, whose complete program will be announced in June.
Artistic direction: John Romão