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“Nowhere” is a non-place in the centre of the city, “a sort of pagan chapel where life and music become one.” For 20 consecutive days, pianist Marino Formenti will live in a temporary home built by artist Ricardo Jacinto, where he will sit at the piano, play, live, sleep, eat, breathe, in a space that is mercilessly and contemporarily both public and private.
The audience is invited to come and go freely, to listen to music in a different dimension, with Marino Formenti playing piano daily, from morning to night. With round-the-clock live streaming, we can also be part of his days from a distance.
Conception and performance Marino Formenti
Architecture Ricardo Jacinto
Structural calculation Eng. Tiago Pereira
Construction Sétima Geração Lda
Co-prodution BoCA, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Support Amorim Cork Composites & Amorim Isolamentos, Embaixada da Áustria em Portugal