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Rather than examining skateboarding as a subculture, “The Museum of Skateboarding” addresses the impact skateboarding has on consciousness and the body. Savchenkov explores skateboarding as a hybrid activity, followed almost like a religion. In his “practice manual” for New Skateboarders, he combines skating with military knowledge, martial arts, and fitness. The manual provides the skateboarder with additional skills and lays out a practical guide to surviving in the city, which includes an exercise routine with mantras, breathing exercises, and philosophical epigrams.
Museum of Skateboarding, 2016. Single channel fullHD, video. 5:38 min. Courtesy of the artist (Support – Calvert 22 Foundation)
Museum of Skateboarding. 2015. Single channel fullHD, video. 2:29 min. Courtesy of the artist (Support – V-A-C Foundation)
Acknowledgments Maria Kharitonova, Evgeny Rodin, Stas Provotorov, Ivan Shpak, Evgeny Kostikov