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Live broadcasts of commissioned performances by BoCA, designed through the relational body-camera-home device. A relationship is proposed around our current state of confinement and the artistic languages mediated by the camera.
The performances are live on the BoCA Bienal YouTube channel. The performances are followed by a conversation between the artist and the curator John Romão.
Every Saturday until at least June 30th 2020.
2 MAI: Tânia Carvalho, 10pm (WEST)
Performance: “Como se uma camada de escamas bem fechada” [As if a layer of scales tightly closed] (2020)
Followed by a conversation between the artist and John Romão
Tânia Carvalho (1976) is a Portuguese artist with a career spanning more than 20 years. Better known as a choreographer, she also works in other artistic fields, such as music, drawing and cinema. From the fields of choreography, Tânia Carvalho often transports herself to musical composition.
Tânia Carvalho moves frequently from the field of choreography to that of musical composition. Tânia Carvalho affirms herself as an artist whose will to expression is not exhausted in one single language. Her creations wander through the shadows, the vivification of painting , expressionism and the memory of cinema. Hence the artist constructs her mysterious cosmogony, a set of codes that transcend the very art of movement – whether this should take place in the linguistic and semantic carefulness that she inscribes in the titles of her work. Or in the frequent passing through territories more distanced from that of choreography, like drawing. Over almost two decades, Tânia Carvalho has been paving her way: thoughtfully and each time more multidisciplinary.
In the context of BoCA, she was part of BoCA 2017 edition with the drawing exhibition “Toledo” and part of BoCA 2019 edition with the astonishing concert “duploc barulin”.