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Salomé Lamas has developed work for cinemas, museums, and galleries in which she attempts to dissolve the border between documentary and fiction. “Fatamorgana” is her first work for the stage.
In this political parody, a woman finds herself in a wax museum in the suburbs of Beirut after closing. Historic and contemporary figures such as Hosni Mubarak, Yasser Arafat, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Saddam Hussein, Georges W. Bush, Bashar al-Assad, and the Shortest Man in the World appear, like ghosts, to strike up conversation with Hanan. What good are words if no one hears them?
Text Isabel Ramos with Salomé Lamas
Performed by Antónia Terrinha
Audio cast MOHAMMED SAEED AL-SAHAF – anónimo, HOSNI MUBARAK – António Ghali, YASSER ARAFAT – Mohammad Fayyad, ABDULLAH BIN ABDUL AZIZ AL-SAUD – anónimo, SADDAM HUSSEIN – anónimo, MUAMMAR AL-KADHAFI – anónimo, GAMAL ABDEL NASSER – anónimo, BILL CLINTON – Michael Baum, GEORGE W. BUSH – Carlos Beja, BASHAR AL-ASSAD – anónimo, SABAH – Alaa Alltarir, RONALD REAGAN – Randolph Albright, VOZ AO TELEFONE – Sumiati Syamsu, FATTEST MAN IN THE WORLD – anónimo, SHORTEST MAN IN THE WORLD – Jerrald James, EDVARD MUNCH – Markus Braten, CARAVAGGIO – Donatello Brida, T.E. LAWRENCE – anónimo, FLASH NEWS – Tiago Filipe Pereira e Sofia Pêgo, HASSAN NASRALLAH – Hadi Alia, RECEP ERDOGAN – anónimo, JOHN KERRY – Keith Davis, DONALD TRUMP – anónimo, VLADIMIR PUTIN – Andrey Zhakin
Chorus Andreia Soares, Lyvia Macrino, Mariana Ponte, Marta Martins, João Bebiano, Bruno Lima
Translation Noradine Taibi, Vasco Menezes António Martins, Harjanti Bandeira, Olga Shkel, Donatello Brida, Markus Braten
Light Design Rui Monteiro
Sound Design Miguel Martins
Video Salomé Lamas
Video assistant Sofia Bairrão
With the participation of Christine Choueiry, Caroline Hatem, Roula Hamadeh, Nada Abou Farhat, Claude Baz
Photography director Boris Levy
Set design and costumes counseling Fernando Brizio
Production Manager Joana Gusmão
Assistance Maria Inês Gonçalves
Trainee Michal Shanny
Production BoCA
Co-production Centro Cultural de Belém, Colectivo 84, Les Films du Bal (Judith Lou Levy, Eve Robin)
Support Ministério da Cultura / Direção Geral das Artes
Development support Marra.tein, Ashkal Alwan, CNAP Centre National des Arts Plastiques
Additional Suport ValorPneu, Screen Miguel Nabinho, Walla Studio, Ingreme, Alexandra Moura, Lourisom
Assistance Maria Inês Gonçalves