“Natura” is a short theatrical action by Italian dramaturge and director Romeo Castellucci based on “On the Nature and Origin of the Mind,” the second volume of Spinoza’s “Ethics.” After stepping through the silhouette of a woman cut out of a white wall, the audience discovers an immaculate stage where three figures exist without interacting with each other: a young woman (representing Light), a polyglot dog (representing a TV camera), and the emptiness of the woman’s silhouette (representing Spirit).
Concept and direction Romeo Castellucci
Text Claudia Castellucci
With Silvia Costa, Ana Jezabel, Ângela Quintela, Diletta Bindi, Valentina Parravicini, Sara dal Corso, Ana Monteiro and a dog
Voice Bernardo Bruno
Sound Scott Gibbons
Sculptures by Istvan Zimmermann & Giovanna Amoroso
Technical Director Filippo Mancini
Sound technician Matteo Braglia
Producer Manager Benedetta Briglia
Management and promotion Valentina Bertolino, Gilda Biasini
Administration Michela Medri, Elisa Bruno, Simona Barducci e Massimiliano Coli
Produced by Socìetas
with T2G-Théâtre de Gennevilliers centre dramatique national de création contemporaine
Created in Venice for the College-Theatre Biennale in August 2013
Co-produced by Théâtre de la Ville and Festival d’Automne, Paris
in collaboration with the Venice Biennale
Support Instituto Italiano de Cultura, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, BoCA