There are no results to show.

The construction of a monument integrates (almost always) the implicit possibility of the permanence of a tribute. Architecture itself, its methods and forms, already anticipate a set of actions to be practiced and a time to be lived in and out of a given space. Taking the transience or the nomadism of this place, “Casa-animal” (Animal-house) is a monument defined for the public space.
Open to visitation and experimentation, the project conditions our way of seeing and being before an event or relation. This sculpture-monument-stage is collapsible, transportable and adaptable to the needs and events defined in it. This sculpture-monument-stage is the result of the collaboration between the artists Musa paradisiaca (Eduardo Guerra and Miguel Ferrão) and the Architect Miguel Roxo, with the support of the Engineer Vasco de Barros.
Constructed from a hybrid notion of scale, between man and animal, this is a place that shares qualities of shelter, chapel and stable. The “Casa-animal” also houses a set of actions (film projections, installations, conversations, performing actions, etc.), including the premiere of a new Musa paradisiaca film and other events proposed after an open call.
Batalha Naval Animal
Andrea Ebert
28 MAR / 14H – 16H
Produções Incêndio
Produções Incêndio
28 MAR / 16H – 18H
Rita Cepa
29 MAR / 14H – 16H
Exercício de etiqueta para comer afectos
Maria Clara Contucci
29 MAR / 16H – 18H
Estufa Fria – A caminho de uma nova esfera de relações
Isabel Costa
31 MAR / 14H – 16H
Lucia Nacht
31 MAR / 16H – 18H
Projecto the call is open
BoCA Sub21
1 APR / 10H – 13H
Another play off memory
Ana Sofia Leite e Hugo Marques
1 APR / 14H – 16H
Tanque Dada
Carlos Ribeiro
1 APR / 16H – 18H
Casa-animal, 2017
Musa paradisiaca with Miguel Roxo with the support of Vasco de Barros
Metal portable structure, 341 x 372 x 200 cm
Coproduction BoCA, Galerias Municipais/EGEAC