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João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva have worked together since 2001, producing films, sculptures, photographs, installations, and anthologies of what they describe as “poetico-philosophical fiction.”
Conceived for the stage of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, “Avantesma Fantasma” is an exhibition-labyrinth of images in movement: a Noh performance in which the ghost of a demon attempts to explain things that cannot be performed; sleeping passengers filmed in slow motion in a Skinkansen; a projector filmed at 2000 images per second; and the machinery of cinema where images appear and disappear.
Production Francisca Bagulho
Co-production BoCA, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II
Pavão (nue), 2016
16mm, colour, silent, 26:30 MIN
With Madoka Mikata, Ryouichi Arimatsu, Yoshinobu Shigeyama, Yasunori Morita, Kodo Sowa, Hisato Ibayashi, Mitsunori Maekawa, Kazushige Kawamura, Hiromichi Tamoi, Hiroyuki Matsuno, Kazutaka Kawamura, Kazushige Kawamura, Chisato Juge, Soichiro Hayashi
Support Kyoto Art Center
Projector (camera test), 2016
16mm, color, silent, 3 MIN
Co-production Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2016
Dormindo num comboio bala, 2015
16mm, colour, silent, 8:02 MIN
Commissioned by REDCAT, Los Angeles
Acknowledgments Kadist Art Foundation, Taguchi Art Collection
(Pavão) Época de acasalamento, 2016
16mm, colour, silent, 15:28 MIN
Co-production Haus der Kunst, Munich, Alemanha
O Homem Sombra, 2006-07
16mm, colour, silent, 1:40 MIN
Co-production ZDB, Lisboa and Trienal de Luanda, Angola
Acknowledgments DGArtes, Ministério da Cultura, Portugal e MUSAC, Leon
Pote mais pequeno que pote, 2010
16mm, colour, silent, 2:25 MIN
3 Sóis, 2009
16mm, colour, silent, 0:50 MIN
Representação Oficial Portuguesa na 53ª Bienal de Veneza, DGArtes, Ministério da Cultura, Portugal